Immigration eligibility assessment

    What is your country of citizenship?

    What is your current country of residence?

    What is your immigration status in Canada?

    What is the expiry date of your current legal status in Canada?, if applicable

    What would you like to do in Canada?

    Do you have Canadian work experience?

    In the last three years, how many years of full-time or an equal amount of part-time skilled work experience do you have in Canada?

    During this period, which National Occupation Classification (NOC) level is most of the experience in?

    Do you have any foreign skilled-work experience during the last 10 years? It must be paid work experience.

    During this period, which National Occupation Classification (NOC) level is most of the experience in?

    Provide full details of your employment history for the last 10 years. It includes all paid and unpaid jobs. Start with your most recent job.

    Do you have a Job Offer from a Canadian Employer?

    What type of Job Offer do you have in Canada?

    What is the term of Job Offer?

    What is the Skill level of Job Offer?

    What is the occupation/Job tittle of the Job Offer?

    Do you have at least 1 year of full-time directly related work experience in the occupation of Job Offer?

    What is the province of the Job Offer?

    Is your Canadian employer willing to support your PNP and/or PR application?

    What is the name of company that has offered the job?

    Have you completed high school (secondary school)?

    Have you completed any post-secondary education in Canada in last three years?

    Provide full details of your educational history for the last 10 years. It includes all Canadian and foreign education. Start with your most recent education.

    Do you have an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report from an approved agency for your highest foreign education?

    Did you take any language test for your first official language?

    Which language test did you take for your first official language?

    Did you take general or academic exam?

    What date did your result become available?

    Did you take any other language test?

    Which language test did you take for your second official language?

    Did you take general or academic exam?

    What date did your result become available?

    Do you have a family member who is a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident and is 18 years or older?

    What is your marital status?

    Are you a spouse or common-law partner of a Canadian citizen or Canadian Permanent Resident?


    Do you have any children under the age of 22?


    Have you already submitted an Express Entry profile to CIC within the past 12 months?

    Have you already received an invitation to apply for Permanent Residence through Express Entry?

    Which province or territory do you plan to live in?

    How long are you planning to stay in Canada?

    What is your Given Name (First Name)?

    What is your Surname (Family Name/Last Name)?

    What is your date of birth?

    What is your sex?

    What is the expiry of your passport?

    Provide your phone number including country code.

    What is your email address?

    What kind of support do you want?

    Your operating system:

    In case you selected Technical support:
    Please specify your OS version:

    In case you selected Sales:
    Where is your business located?