• Select the type of appointment
  • Select the date and time
  • Pay the consultation fee, if applicable
  • If you cannot scroll the page on a mobile device, try touching near the edge of the mobile screen

  • Click on the initial consultation agreement link
  • Complete all the required fields
  • Sign the initial consultation agreement
  • The regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) will also sign the same initial consultation agreement after you have done it
  • Once both parties have signed it, RCIC will confirm your appointment

Note: You need to sign an initial consultation agreement for every new case unless you have already signed a retainer agreement for the same case.

“Immigration solutions for Everyone”

We can assist you in many ways, depending on your needs and the type of case. Generally, we offer free and paid consultation services. Free consultation is one-time opportunity to ask general questions for up to 10-15 minutes.

Of course, if you know in advance that your case is highly unusual or complex, you can simply bypass the “free assessment” step and ask for a paid consultation. When you schedule your paid consultation with us, we may also ask you to provide various information before the appointment to make sure that we spend our respective time most efficiently and can devote the most time to the most important issues.

Why should I pay for a consultation with a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant?

The decision about which Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) or Canadian Immigration Lawyer can represent you in your immigration case is important. You need to be sure you are working with someone you trust, in whom you have confidence, and who has the level of experience needed to handle your case.

A consultation is your opportunity to figure out if the immigration consultant or lawyer you are considering for your case is the right fit. It is a lot cheaper to have a paid consultation and ask case specific questions so you can make an informed decision about whether to retain services of that representative. If you do not feel comfortable with your representative, you may have trouble working with that RCIC or immigration lawyer for months or even years as your case progresses.

Paid consultation is also a good option for those who have searched the internet and know the basic information and requirements for their case but still do not feel comfortable handling their cases on their own. After practicing immigration law for several years, I can think of numerous examples of cases that could have been simple, but people who chose to work on their cases themselves with improper information or were not represented by an experienced immigration consultant or immigration lawyer had problems that cost them money and time and caused a lot of stress and worry.

In some cases, mistakes that could have been avoided ended up stopping them from getting legal status in Canada. Most of these people were unrepresented and felt that they understood what to do. They had read instructions and websites, so they felt comfortable handling their cases on their own. They had no way of knowing what they did not know.

An experienced immigration consultant or immigration lawyer should be able to tell you about some of the problems people may have in their immigration processes and explain if these problems can be avoided or discuss ways to minimize risks in your case.  Even for consultations on straightforward cases, I can often identify an issue that the person meeting with me did not know about, and that information and awareness alone may make paying a consultation fee a good investment.